Treatment with Intraocular Lens and Smart Lens
During cataract surgery, it is absolutely necessary to clean the hardened intraocular lens and insert an artificial intraocular lens into the lens capsule. Because the transparent lens is one of the most important refractive media of the eye. And in order to obtain clear vision after surgery in a normal emmetropic eye, a +21.00D lens must be placed in the eye. If the lens is not placed, the patient needs to wear thick glasses of approximately +11.00 degrees after surgery to see clearly. Therefore, the sine qua non of a successful cataract surgery is to use high quality, FDA approved, UV filtered intraocular lenses.
Intraocular lenses have undergone significant developments over time. Previously, the lenses were not foldable and were inserted into the eye through a large incision and the opening was closed with sutures. Over time, with the development of the FAKO method and small incision cataract surgeries, foldable lenses began to be produced. Today, we use foldable lenses that are inserted through a small incision.
SINGLE FOCUS (MONOFOCAL) LENSES: Shows only the far distance clearly, it is necessary to use glasses for near vision.
ASTIGMATIC (TORIIC) LENSES: Corrects distance and astigmatism, it is necessary to use close-up glasses.
MULTIFOCAL (MULTIFOCAL - SMART) LENSES: These are lenses that show far, near and intermediate distances clearly and eliminate the need to wear glasses after surgery. There are many rings on the lens and foci with different refractivity distributed on them. Not all eyes are suitable for smart lenses. Patients with dry eye, corneal deformities, corneal spots, yellow spot disease, strabismus, lazy eye, patients who have undergone hyperopia laser surgeries are some of the cases that are not suitable for smart lenses.