Eye Diseases in Newborns
RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY: If newborns have a history of prematurity, i.e. early and low birth weight and incubation, an urgent eye examination is absolutely necessary. In premature babies, retinopathy of prematurity, which we call retinopathy of prematurity, developmental disorders in the retinal vessels, retinal ischemia, new vessel formations and hemorrhages may occur. Early examination is essential in premature babies.
NEWBORN CONJUNCTIONITIS: If the baby has abundant, dense, creamy yellow sticky, sometimes bloody burrs in the first 5 days of life, this is a disease that occurs when microorganisms such as gonococ, neisseria in the mother's birth canal are transmitted to the baby's eye during birth, which requires early diagnosis and urgent treatment. Otherwise, it is an infection that can cause loss of the eye. A culture and antibiogram are performed from the discharge and the baby is hospitalized and treated. The parents who are the source of the infection should also be treated.
CONGENITAL PTOZIS: If the baby has congenital unilateral or bilateral ptosis, that is, ptosis, and the lid level covers the pupil and closes the visual axis, which we call the optic axis, it should be corrected by emergency surgery before lazy eye develops.
CONGENITAL STRABISMUS: In wide-angle shifts up to the root of the nose in the baby, urgent eye examination and treatment for the cause should be applied. In this type of strabismus, the underlying cause may sometimes be a unilateral cataract, the strabismus should be treated before the development of lazy eye, otherwise the child will develop permanent lazy eye.
CONGENITAL GLAUCOMA Babies with congenital glaucoma have congenital anomalies and obstructions in the drainage canals of the eye. These babies are born with high eye pressure. The transparent layer called the cornea is larger than normal in size and sometimes blurred. The child may also have hypersensitivity to light and watery eyes. Especially in babies with large eyes, light sensitivity and watery eyes, it should be kept in mind that there may be eye pressure and an urgent eye examination should be performed. Otherwise, it may result in irreversible blindness.
CONGENITAL CATARACT: In infants, the white color of the pupil, which should normally be black, may be a sign of congenital cataract. If cataract is detected, surgery should be performed within the first 6 months-1 year to remove the obstacle to vision, otherwise permanent lazy eye develops.
RETINOBLASTOM: A white pupil (leukocoria) can also have a more serious cause. It can be a sign of retinoblastoma, a tumor of the retina, and this is a very urgent condition that threatens the child's life and eyesight. Especially if the pupil is white instead of black in photographs, it is urgent to consult an ophthalmologist.
CONGENITAL TEAR DUCT OBSTRUCTION: It is a common eye problem in infants. There is constant watering and burring on the side where the canal is blocked. 90% of canal obstructions are opened with massage in the first 1 year. Until the age of 1 year, the mother is taught massage and drops are recommended for burring. If the blocked canal is not opened until the age of 1 year, the canal is opened by probing from the age of 1 year and intubation with silicone tubes is performed if necessary. It is a relatively innocent condition that does not pose a risk to vision, but it is a common condition.